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TweetStory for Mac

View past tweets.

In English
Version 1.1.2

TweetStory overview

TweetStory focuses on this aspect by offering you the possibility to see your Twitter account on this day but past year. Find any tweet whether is a status, a GIF, a video or just quoted from your timeline at that time. You can view, share or even delete your past year tweets. You don't have many tweets?No worries, you can see other Twitter accounts past year tweets whether is a celebrity or one of your friend as long as their profile is public. Give it a try now!

What’s new in version 1.1.2

Version 1.1.2:
  • Added a new option in Settings for users that want to help improve the app
  • Solved a major bug that caused to appear duplicate tweets
  • Other minor bug fixes and performance improvements

TweetStory for Mac

In English
Version 1.1.2
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