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SlideArt for Mac

Produce vector art filled with joy and exploration.

In English
Version 1.5

SlideArt overview

Slide Art is a lightweight app designed to enable the user to produce vector art filled with joy and exploration. By making use of Metal for fluid graphics, interacting with your work is an instantaneous conversation. Moving vectors, redetermining curvature, and filling with gradients all happen in real time. The result is a playful work environment that feels part game and part canvas.

In contrast to other vector graphic tools, Slide Art's free flowing design with natural and finely tuned features has almost no learning curve. An easy pinch or fluid slide navigates seamless controls; a fascinating series of adjectives made accurate by real time rendering. Every on screen motion feels like a direct extension of your finger; the satisfaction is immense.

The purpose to Slide Art's creation was to rethink vector-based software as a tool for creating art, where the features don't demand extensive up-front knowledge but rather grow with the user's skill in the same way that the simplicity of a pencil can just as easily portray a stick figure world or a realistic graphite creation.

What’s new in version 1.5

Version 1.5:
  • Rich text
  • Inset shadows

SlideArt for Mac

In English
Version 1.5
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