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Buster for Mac

Access the D-STAR digital voice network.

In English
Version 1.2.9

Buster overview

Buster is an application that allows amateur radio operators (hams) to access the D-STAR digital voice network from their Internet connected Mac. The program requires a hardware encoder chip to translate the audio data into the required AMBE format for transmission on the D-STAR network. Buster currently supports either the ThumbDV or PiDV over the network. These products are available from Northwest Digital Radio (http://www.nwdigitalradio.com).

Buster supports all three major reflector protocols (DPlus, DExtra and DCS) plus the ability to link to repeaters.

What’s new in version 1.2.9

Version 1.2.9:
  • Fixed bug with serial port handing that appeared in Catalina
  • Updated Copyright
  • Fixed crash bug in alert handling
  • Increased a connect timeout to make DPlus more stable
  • Fixed crash bug with location services

Buster for Mac

In English
Version 1.2.9
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