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DapSync for Mac

Synchronize your iTunes library with a DAP.

In English
Version 1.6.1

DapSync overview

DapSync is a simple utility that synchronizes your iTunes library with a DAP (digital audio player) or an SD card for the DAP. DapSync supports up to two storage devices and can prefix track filenames with track numbers for DAPs that do not sort on metadata. DapSync saves files on your DAP in a folder hierarchy based on artist and album name.That's it - DapSync does nothing else and I don't intend it to do anything else. It fulfils a need that I had better than other offerings, and I hope that it is useful to others.

What’s new in version 1.6.1

  • Updated to latest version of Juce library.
  • Fixed error in progress bar.

DapSync for Mac

In English
Version 1.6.1
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