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HomeFinanceNano Balance Sheet

Nano Balance Sheet for Mac

Obtain financial information about a company/person.

In English
Version 6.0

Nano Balance Sheet overview

Nano Balance Sheet is an application for obtaining the financial information (balance, etc.) about the company or person. It can be used for bookkeeping or management accounting. Process of data input and obtaining reports is simplified as much as possible and do not require special knowledge.

You enter in the app all your business transactions, filling the Journals, and the application processes them according to the settings for each type of transaction and transferred to the General Ledger. The application generates following reports from General Ledger: Trial Balance, Balance Sheet, Income Statement, Capital Statement, Cash Flow, Debtors, Creditors.

Application already contains many types of customized business transactions. You can also easily adjusted the other types of transactions.

What’s new in version 6.0

  • Improved compatibility with the latest version of macOS.

Nano Balance Sheet for Mac

In English
Version 6.0
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