DrawMol is a powerful graphical interface to visualize and build molecular structures.
- Build a molecular structure from scratch
- Build a structure by clicking and dragging to add atoms and bonds.
- You can then refine your structure in one click using UFF force field optimization. When building a structure, DrawMol can guess for you the type of bonds (single, double, triple or aromatic bonds) or you can force it by clicking on a bond.
- Moreover, hydrogen atoms can be added automatically
- Save your structure in xyz format or build a gaussian or gamess input file directly.
- For Gamess, if the program is installed locally, you can even launch the job from DrawMol (in the background) and follow the progression of the job.
- Paste directly a structure into the Cartesian Editor of DrawMolIt can recognize XYZ, Gaussian, Gamess, Turbomole and Z-matrix formats.
- The Cartesian Editor can also be used to output the structure in any of these formats as well as to modify a given structure by adding/removing some atoms or by changing a given atom element.
- Import a structure from ChemSpider database
- Visualize molecular structure as well as molecular properties
- Open XYZ, MDL molfile, Gaussian log, Gaussian fchk, Gamess log, Dalton out, Molpro out file formats.
- In addition to the molecular structure, DrawMol can read various molecular properties (for now only available for Gaussian fchk file format):
- Mulliken charges
- Dipole moment
- Polarizability and first-hyperpolarizability
- Vibrational normal modes
- Magnetic shieldings (NMR)
- Molecular Orbitals from the basis set and LCAO coefficients
- Visualize molecular properties:
- Atom labels
- Mulliken Charges
- NMR chemical shifts
- Dipole moment vector
- Beta vector
- Unit sphere representation of the polarizability and hyperpolarizability
- Atomic displacements of a vibrational normal modes via vectors, spheres or even animation
- Molecular Orbital isosurfaces
- Open gaussian cube files and visualize isosurfaces of the stored date.
- In addition, DrawMol provide some tools to:
- Make two molecules or fragments to coincide with each other using a matching procedure (least-square approach)
- Orient the Z axis of a molecule to be either perpendicular to a plane made by three or more atoms or going through two or more atoms using a least-square approach.
- Save any structure
- As a picture either in png, tiff, jpeg or dae (Collada)
- As a movie for the animation of the normal modes
- As a XYZ, CIF, PDB files
- As a limol fileThis format is basically a HDF5 container that store all the molecular properties as well as the visualization preferences.
- This file can be read by DrawMol but can also be parsed easily using the C, Fortran, Python, … and even dump (with lidump utility) into a ASCII file.