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Resizor for Mac

Resize images.

In English
Version 1.0.4

Resizor overview

Resizor is a Developer tool that allows for images to be resized, up or down, so that you can use one image to generate sets of Icons and Launch images for both Macintosh and iOS.

Drag your source image onto the application image well, Specify the images sizes you want, edit the desired image size information, click the save button for iOS or Mac Icon or Launch Image. Select the folder to save your images into and save. These images can be used as image assets in your Xcode projects.

  • Drag and drop your application image into the image well
  • Use the built in default icon sizes or delete and add your own (icon image sizes are saved between program restarts)
  • Clicking "Save Icons" will generate a set of icons at the sizes you have specified
  • Clicking "Save Images.xcassets" will generate a set of icons at the sizes you have specified which can be imported into xcode images.xcassets
  • Can generate Mac icons at defined sizes and an associated Images.xcassets file
  • Can generate iOS launch images at defined sizes and an associated Images.xcassets file

What’s new in version 1.0.4

Version 1.0.4:
  • Re Release for Mac App Store
  • Built on Big Sur - Stability and Performance Enhancements
  • Added more image sizes for iOS
  • Right aligned image size numbers
  • Added sort for columns width/height of the image sizes

Resizor for Mac

In English
Version 1.0.4
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