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DataGrys for Mac

Tools for managing a small business.

In English
Version 3.3.2

DataGrys overview

DataGrys is a set of tools to manage small businesses by creating books of products, clients and ressources, creating orders, invoices and credit notes, managing sales opportunities, competition watch and customer support requests. It focuses on essential informations of several aspects of business, connecting them in the same application. DataGrys can import contacts from your Mac and add reminders to its calendars. DataGrys shares informations on social media, compiles reports and exports data.

What’s new in version 3.3.2

Version 3.3.2:
  • On the Reports view, the report for Support requests was modified to improve clarity regarding quantity and duration of requests. Read the application help or user guide to understand the modified drop-down menu for selecting opened and closed requests, and corresponding informations in the Quantity and Duration boxes. The printed report now mentions if compiled data are about opened or closed requests.

DataGrys for Mac

In English
Version 3.3.2
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