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KeiSignal for Mac

Japanese character that will assist you with time.

In English
Version 3.0.2

KeiSignal overview

KeiSignal is a Japanese character that will appear assist you with time.

  • Time Notifications: We will let you know the time with character voice every hour. Furthermore, it is also possible to listen to the sound many times from the notification column! The audio is in Japanese.
  • Mute: If you do not want to play audio, such as during work, you can respond with settings. You can set it by selecting "Preference" from the icon menu displayed on the status bar. The following settings can be made in detail:
    • Mute within the specified time (turn audio off only)
    • Stop sound (stops audio only at all times)
    • Stop notification (It turns off only the notification displayed in the upper right)
  • When one of the above is enabled, the icon on the status bar becomes black and white, so confirmation before work is also instantaneous!

What’s new in version 3.0.2

Version 3.0.2:
  • Fixed an issue where the mute time could not be set correctly

KeiSignal for Mac

In English
Version 3.0.2
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