AirVPN for Mac
A VPN based on OpenVPN.
A VPN based on OpenVPN.
AirVPN is a VPN based on OpenVPN and operated by activists and hacktivists in defense of net neutrality, privacy and against censorship. A VPN tunnel encrypts your connection to the Internet. This impenetrable tunnel prevents criminal organizations, your ISP or even your government to spy on your communications.
AirVPN enables your computer (the "client") to send and receive data across the Internet through dedicated nodes ("the VPN servers") as if those data were an integral part of the private network. This is achieved through a point-to-point OpenVPN (in routing mode) connection. The connection is encrypted and each packet is authenticated both by your client and our servers, so that nobody (including your ISP) between your computer and the VPN server can see the data you transmit and receive, the real origin and destinations of such data, and, last but not least, can inject forged packets into your stream of data. The picked encryption cipher meets higher-than-military security requirements.
Additionally, when your client has established a point-to-point encrypted connection (often referred to as "the tunnel"), your data will "get to the Internet" without any reference to your real IP address, which is simply no more inside the packets. Anybody on the Internet will, therefore, see your packets as coming from our VPN servers exit-IP addresses, not from your real IP address, protecting you against privacy intruders and other malignant entities, such as sniffers in public WiFi hot-spots, hijackers, profilers and disturbed "copyright trolls".
Full access is available on a subscription basis. The quoted price is the cost per month Additional plans can be found on the developer's site.
Note: Now requires OS X 10.9 or later running on a 64-bit Intel processor