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MicroMate for Mac

Simplifies the communication with any UART-capable device.

In English
Version 1.1.1

MicroMate overview

MicroMate simplifies the communication with any UART-capable device (RS232) (e.g., microcontrollers and embedded systems). It speeds up defining custom protocols or dealing with firmwares and its commands due to the ability to save sequences. Devices like the Arduino or similar don't require any additional drivers.

  • Store sequences and send them quickly with a double-click
  • Compose the input with text, values and even files inline (Have a look in the Helpbook / online documentation)
  • Use any custom baudrate, as long as your hardware supports it (combined with even/odd/none parity and 1 or 2 stop bits)
  • The integrated HexViewer lets you know what value each transceived byte represents
  • Repeatedly send your input infinitely or a fixed number of times
  • Define your own endline sequence

What’s new in version 1.1.1

Version 1.1.1:
  • Fixed a bug which caused the app to crash after its first run

MicroMate for Mac

In English
Version 1.1.1
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