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HomeMusic & AudioAutoMute - No More Oopsies

AutoMute - No More Oopsies for Mac

Have the sound muted on your Mac when opening it.

In English
Version 1.10

AutoMute - No More Oopsies overview

AutoMute makes it so that whenever your Mac goes to sleep, wakes up, or a pair of headphones gets disconnected - the sound is automatically muted. Works with bluetooth headphones as well!

This is meant to prevent those embarrassing moments when you're arriving at your perfectly silent office or school, opening up your mac, only to find out your beloved "Best of Shakira" playlist is still playing at full volume from last night... It will also prevent the classic "walk too far away with your bluetooth headset" scenario, where again your mac will take over the sound and allow your co-workers to bask in your embarrassment.

What’s new in version 1.10

  • Bugfix: wasn't auto-muting properly when Mac was connected to some speakers/headphones
  • Bugfix: menu bar icon (headphones or no-headphones) wasn't tracking current default output device properly

AutoMute - No More Oopsies for Mac

In English
Version 1.10
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(1 Reviews of AutoMute - No More Oopsies)

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Jan 17 2017
Jan 17 2017
Version: 1.4
Push mute Function key. no more resource and pay.
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