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HomeLifestyle & HobbyReligionBibleApp for Gateway

BibleApp for Gateway for Mac

Access Bible translations from Bible Gateway.

In English
Version 1.0.3
Based on 1 user rate

BibleApp for Gateway overview

BibleApp for Gateway is a simple Bible app that gives you faster access to a host of Bible translations from Bible Gateway. It provides an intuitive layout with helpful buttons which will make Bible reading a pleasure.

  • Bible Gateway client with custom buttons
  • Quickly access Bible from menu-bar icon
  • Adjust transparency of the app window
  • Hide Dock icon from app preferences
  • Turn on and off "Open app at log in" from app preference
  • Bring app to foreground with keyboard hotkey
  • Change hotkey according to your own choice
  • Open multiple windows and browse more

What’s new in version 1.0.3

Version 1.0.3:
  • Speak mode is fixed
  • Minor bug fixes

BibleApp for Gateway for Mac

In English
Version 1.0.3
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Jan 4 2017
Jan 4 2017
Version: null