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Creo for Mac

WYSIWYG design and development tool for mobile.

In English
Version 2.4.0

Creo overview

Creo is a next generation Mac tool which aims to combine the Design and Development process into a single easy to use application. Traditional app creation process is split between the design process (done by designers usually using a prototype tool that simulates mobile OS behavior with a web layer) and the development process (performed by highly specialized developers using native tools).

Creo merges the two worlds into a single tool which enables you to focus on what makes your app unique instead of wasting time building a non functional prototype or writing the same code to perform the same most common operations. Thanks to our CreoKIT we always use NATIVE components and classes, no simulated or web based code is used.

Drag and drop controls, classes, objects and use all of them like in any other familiar Mac application. Build app navigation and create app windows with a single click. While you are designing you are effectively building your native app. Every change you make is immediately reflected in real-time thanks to our CreoKit. It feels like magic because what you see on the screen is really what you'll get on your mobile device without a single line of code.

What’s new in version 2.4.0

Version 2.4.0:

Note: Free tier has limitations. More info here

  • Added support for displaying GIF files
  • Added support for converting images to GIF/MP4
  • Added support for local security like TouchID/FaceID
  • Added support for In-App Purchases
  • Added preliminary support for Push Notifications
  • Added new User Code panel to visualize all code written by the user (from Project menu)
  • Added new zoom-related properties and events in View controls
  • Added new Date related methods (daysBetweenDates and componentsBetweenDates)
  • Added new openAssets method to CameraRoll
  • macOS apps have hardening runtime enabled
  • Fixed axis color properties in Chart
  • Fixed an issue related to sqlite blobValue method
  • Fixed some issues related to CreoPlayer
  • Fixed some issues related to CustomView
  • Fixed a copy issue related to macOS .icns icon
  • Fixed an incorrect error reported in Gravity Console
  • Fixed a crash that occurs when an empty Image is saved to the CameraRoll
  • Several others improvements and fixes

Creo for Mac

In English
Version 2.4.0
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