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Winston for Mac

Typewriter simulator.

In English
Version 3.0.3
Based on 1 user rate

Winston overview

Winston is the typewriter simulator for macOS. Perfect for one thing: Writing. Just writing. Without losing focus of your ideas, without the constant backtracking and endless fussing over your text, judging it too soon and killing your ideas dead! Winston is about putting imagination and ideas on "paper" and making a mess while you're doing it. It's free-writing at its best!

A fully customizable experience, Winston behaves and sounds like the real deal. You can choose from a variety of typesets, sounds, papers, and backgrounds to suit your style. Customize the typewriter to behave just as you'd like. You can have it behave almost exactly like the real thing, or switch off any of its settings to accommodate your needs.

  • Allow the text to wrap automatically
  • Allow text to be amended
  • Display a text cursor
  • Switch off all animations and sounds

What’s new in version 3.0.3

Version 3.0.3:
  • Adding "Reset Settings" to Winston menu in case you run into problems with the current settings
  • Fixed bug with the temp file that was blocking some users from the app

Winston for Mac

In English
Version 3.0.3
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(2 Reviews of Winston)

  • Comments

  • User Ratings

Apr 5 2020
Apr 5 2020
Version: 3.0.3
Some here say it's useless. Nostalgia perhaps but useless. You can't do any real work on it. Well, I beg to disagree...... If you are used to writing on a real typewriter. If you merely get disturbed by all the functions you have to learn in Wordprocessors apps. If all you want is to write your novel. If you, like so many other creative souls, feel that all the accessories and tweeking possibilities and this and that, are only in the way, and clogs your imagination and creative drive. If all you want and need is an empty papersheet and keys that will put letters on it when you press them.... Then this is what you are looking for. A typewriter old school..... but mind you.. with the ability to backerase words and of course, editing and saving the sheets. I love it. How can you not.
Apr 25 2017
Apr 25 2017
Version: 1.0.8
Actually kind of cool. I learned to touch type on a mechanical typewriter ages ago and got a buzz of nostalgia when I fired up this app. No idea if I'll use it much, but its' fun. Could be frustrating to those who've always used a word processor, as you can't reposition the cursor in the text to go back and change something. Might be better on an iPad Pro where you can use the pen to cross words out and write something between the lines of text.
Apr 25 2017
Apr 25 2017
Version: null