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Multi Calendars for Mac

Group calendar management.

In English
Version 1.1.5

Multi Calendars overview

Multi Calendars is a multi-user calendar-management app. It is unique in that it allows you to manage multiple calendars at once, dividing them per user, to have everything under control. You can connect more Multi Calendars workstations on the same database so that you can share calendars with other users on other workstations. Also, being multiplatform, it is possible to connect Macintosh and Windows workstations simultaneously to the same database.

An example of use could be an associated studio where the receptionist is the super user who controls and manages events (in this case, appointments) for all offices, and where each office is a standard user who can only manage its own calendar. In this way, the receptionist can take calls for appointments, and can insert them in the schedule without having to ask for confirmation from the offices. Thus, all offices will have their appointments preset from by the receptionist. Multi Calendars is really very flexible, and can be applied to an infinite number of types of work, adaptable to every need.

What’s new in version 1.1.5

Version 1.1.5:
  • Initial release

Multi Calendars for Mac

In English
Version 1.1.5
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