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Melobase for Mac

Record and play music back from a client-server.

In English
Version 1.6.0

Melobase overview

Melobase is a client-server solution featuring a database, a sequencer for recording and playing back music sequences, a metronome with tap tempo capabilities, an editor, an embedded studio offering 128 General MIDI instruments and a drum set, an input from an external MIDI keyboard, a synthesizer, and a mixer with level and balance control. Melobase also provides the ability to import MIDI sequences and also to save your sequences on your computer as standard MIDI files or audio files.

What’s new in version 1.6.0

Version 1.6.0:
  • The ability to record a sequence without time signature
  • The ability to record a sequence with specified time signature and tempo values
  • The ability to change the time signature and tempo during playback and recording sessions
  • The ability to show or hide the database
  • The ability to add flag annotations at specific positions in the sequence
  • The ability to filter the sequences with flag annotations
  • A clean up operation which moves all the sequences with negative ratings to the Trash
  • All notes off (CC 123)
  • All sound off (CC 120)
  • Support for sequences with large amount of events
  • Sporadic instability issues when recording a new sequence
  • The sequences with generic meta events not being properly exported
  • The modulation and control change events not being exported
  • The solo state not being properly set after recording
  • Mute and solo states still being active when we convert a sequence to single track
  • The scroll bar not being released when scrolling during edition
  • Unknown time signature producing random values to event in properties
  • Other minor fixes and improvements
  • Promote, demote and set as played all operations are now performed recursively if enabled
  • The currenly modified sequence is now saved automatically when a synchronization is performed
  • Optimized to properly handle sequences with a very large number of events

Melobase for Mac

In English
Version 1.6.0
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