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ioda for Mac

Input/output and data analysis utility.

In English
Version 1.13.0

ioda overview

ioda should be read "IO-DA", for Input/Output and for Data Analysis. It is a scientific application that permits you to read files in various formats such as FITS used in astronomy, AIDA and ROOT used in high energy physics (HEP) to store histograms tuples and geometries, CSV to store tuples, DICOM used in medical, GDML to store detector geometries, DOT to describe graphs, JPG and PNG format to store images, and FOG developed at CEA/Saclay (France) to describe LHC/ATLAS geometry. ioda lets you browse these files and visualize some of their data.

For AIDA files, the histograms 1D, 2D, profiles 1D, 2D can be plotted. For ROOT files, ioda can plot TH[1,2][D,F] objects along than TProfile ones. For JPG and PNG files, the image is visualized. For FITS astronomy files, the "HDUs" can be listed and their keys can be seen. If the HDU is an IMAGE_HDU type, ioda attempts to visualize it as an image (which is one of the primary goal of the FITS format : store astronomical pictures). If the HDU is a BINARY_TBL, ioda shows a description of the columns (name, type) and proposes to histogram and plot a selected column. Files at the FOG CEA/Saclay format permit to visualize LHC/ATLAS sub detectors.

ioda can do "ntuple" projection in 1D or 2D histograms. (A ntuple is defined as a table of columns with numbers). ioda presents the list of the columns, the wanted projection (1D, 2D), proposes the histogram booking parameters and then does the projection and plots the histogram. It is available for a "flat TTree" in a ROOT file, a BINARY_TABLE in a fits file, a flat ntuple in an AIDA file and table data in a csv file.

What’s new in version 1.13.0

Version 1.13.0:
  • Have FITS reading for arm64
  • Read HepRep zip files
  • Improve the logic of "View All" : on a model thin in z, the camera were too close, now it is better
  • Have a "W/B" button in the left camera panel to change background color (White or Black)
  • Have also a clear scene button

ioda for Mac

In English
Version 1.13.0
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