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HomeProductivityMultiscreen Multimouse

Multiscreen Multimouse for Mac

Have multiple cursors on different screens using the same machine.

In English
Version 1.20

Multiscreen Multimouse overview

Multiscreen Multimouse is a great extension for your Mac if you use multiple external displays. Instead of having to travel your mouse cursor back and forth all the time between monitors, Multiscreen Multimouse enables you to have multiple cursors on different screens using the same machine. Multiscreen Multimouse also supports more than 1 external display, if you have multiple 'mice' and multiple displays, Multiscreen Multimouse will easily remember your cursor position in each screen.

What’s new in version 1.20

Version 1.20:
  • Fixed issue for some tablets

Multiscreen Multimouse for Mac

In English
Version 1.20
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(1 Reviews of Multiscreen Multimouse)

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Feb 19 2022
Feb 19 2022
Version: 1.20
Hi, I installed your application on the iMAC operating system macOS High Sierra Version10,13,6, core i7 but it doesn't work. What to do? I did exactly the tutorial. Thanks
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