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Tasky for Mac

Task management tool for organizing your daily tasks.

In English
Version 1.0.2

Tasky overview

Tasky is a great task-management tool for organizing your daily tasks in an easy and simple way. With this app, users will be able to add tasks much faster and plan future events in minutes. It has been designed with a smart and intuitive interface that gives you dedicated sections adding tasks on today, tomorrow, and next week. Mark tasks as complete one by one as you accomplish them. The built-in calendar gives you full access to jump to any date and plan your future events easily.

  • Easy to add tasks
  • Sort tasks by All, Complete, Incomplete.
  • Builtin calendar to add or browse task on the days to come.
  • Add task categories and sort them in one place.
  • Postpone incomplete tasks to Next Day, Next Week or Next Month.
  • Add small notes with each task and make them visible below the task title.
  • Swipe left on a task using Track Pad to delete a task.
  • Take a look at the total number of tasks for a day at the bottom right corner of the app.
  • A handy search bar at the bottom of the app to search any task.
  • Export PDFs of task lists or print them directly from the app.
  • iCloud sync across iOS and macOS.

What’s new in version 1.0.2

Version 1.0.2 (1.0):

Note: The demo version is currently at 1.0; the version available for purchase is 1.0.2.

  • Bug fixes
  • UI updates

Tasky for Mac

In English
Version 1.0.2
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