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Paintstorm Studio for Mac

Bringing digital painting to a new level.

In English
Version 2.50
Based on 3 user rates

Paintstorm Studio overview

Paintstorm Studio is created for professional digital painting. And a major role in this program play the brushes. We did our best so that you can easily and quickly adjust the brushes suitable for your painting style.

Anyone who has ever painted knows it's hard to overestimate the painting tool and the importance of all the seemingly insignificant details. We tried not to miss any of them. Our goal was to create an intuitive, simple-to-use but at the same time functionally powerful tool that brings the process of digital painting to a new level, making it as comfortable as possible.

  • Full control of all brush options (Incredible possibilities for brush settings)
  • Bristle brushes of any form and kind
  • Stroke post correction (You can take an action on any option. Not only on the stroke thickness)
  • Parameters binding to the perspective
  • Dynamic interface (Global interface scale, panels scale, opacity, color, tab-lock)
  • Custom panels
  • Full controlled mask-brush (Each brush can work as mask for other brush)
  • Takes underlayer's color while blending
  • "Close gaps" function when you fill or select
  • Individual hotkeys for any brushes
  • Fast layer selection
  • Smooth zoom and brush resize
  • Dirty brush mode
  • Stroke stabilizer
  • Usable color mixer
  • Different gradient strokes
  • Mirror drawing
  • Standart tools pack (Lasso, Magic wand, Crop, Fill, Gradient and etc)
  • Control of the random amounts
  • Photoshop PSD and ABR supported
  • Tablets supported

What’s new in version 2.50

  • Added the ability to create folders for brushes. Separators for brushes and brush categories can also be created.
  • Added the ability to select multiple brushes (shift, ctrl, or click on the right side of the brush).
  • Added brush search functionality.
  • Added different display modes for brushes in the brush panel (Stroke+Icon+Shape, Stroke+Icon, Stroke+Shape).
  • Added "Fit to canvas" button and hotkeys (ctrl, ctrl+alt, shift+alt) for quick scaling in the "Free transform" tool.
  • Improved categorie brush movement. To move a categorie, hover over the categorie icon and hold down the mouse button.
  • Added "Brush presets" feature (button in the upper right corner of the brush panel). Now you can create multiple presets for each brush.
  • All panels can now be quickly invoked under the cursor by pressing the corresponding hotkey.
  • Added "Copy/Paste Brush Settings" buttons and "Undo Load Default" button in the brush panel options.
  • Added search functionality in the "Define Hotkeys" panel.
  • Added "Tex Rand Offset Point" feature in the brush texture settings for random texture offset with each stamp.
  • Moved layers to another document can now be done using the "Swap Layers" function - simply start dragging the desired layers in the Layers panel and drop them onto the target document.
  • Added "Export Layer" button and the ability to export all layers at once in the "Fast Export" settings. Also added hotkey for exporting layers.
  • Added different export modes for layers in the "Fast Export Layers" settings. Also added a new file naming mode: "Random 4 letters".
  • Added the ability to export multiple selected layers at once.
  • Added "Show Tilt And Direction" checkbox in Options->Cursors.
  • Fixed a bug with artifacts (white dots) when applying the "Transform" tool.
  • Added "Mask Follows Color" feature in the "Color Wheel" panel options - if color mask is enabled, it will move towards the selected color when picking colors from the canvas.
  • Added "Load Default Brush" hotkey.
  • Added batch reset of all brushes to default values.
  • Reduced time for deleting brush categories.
  • Fixed various bugs.

Paintstorm Studio for Mac

In English
Version 2.50
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(1 Reviews of Paintstorm Studio)

  • Comments

  • User Ratings

Jun 28 2018
Jun 28 2018
Version: 2.30
Wonderful brush engine and overall a good concept. The only problem is when trying to paint on very large images. The program gets sluggish, erratic and either crashed or you have to "force quit". Until this is solved I cannot recommend it.
Dec 2 2024
Dec 2 2024
Version: 2.50
Jun 5 2019
Jun 5 2019
Version: null
Jun 28 2018
Jun 28 2018
Version: null