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HomeLifestyle & HobbyCompute for Humanity

Compute for Humanity for Mac

Contribute processor cycles to raise money for charity.

In English
Version 2.2
Based on 1 user rate

Compute for Humanity overview

Compute for Humanity uses your computer's spare processing power to raise money for charity. It's highly energy-efficient and gentle to your computer. You won't even notice it's running! So download it for free and save the world from your sofa!

Here's why it's great:

  • You're raising money for charity without doing a thing;
  • 100% of the money you raise is donated to charities;
  • It's safe, unobtrusive, free, and fun!

What’s new in version 2.2

Version 2.2:
  • This version increases the reward for recruiting friends to 999 hearts!
  • It also tweaks some internal things to allow us to pay charities slightly faster.

Compute for Humanity for Mac

In English
Version 2.2
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(1 Reviews of Compute for Humanity)

  • Comments

  • User Ratings

Mar 11 2016
Mar 11 2016
Version: 2.1
Great idea, but can't tell if it's working. The status line in the menu says $22.64 donated—exactly like the screen shot above. Is that the amount donated by all users? Whatever it is the amount does not appear to change. Also, it would be nice if the donations could be set to go one or more of the four charities by default so that one needn't do it manually. This setting will be especially nice if the list of charities grows. Links to the charities' websites would be nice too. Even in "faster" mode Compute for Humanity has a very low impact on my 2011 MacBook Pro.
Mar 11 2016
Mar 11 2016
Version: null