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Compresita for Mac

Shrinks down your mobile data usage.

In English
Version 1.0.1

Compresita overview

Compresita connects you to the Internet using a secure VPN connection with military-grade encryption and validates every site you connect to make sure that they are who they claim they are. This way, no crook can trick you with a fake online banking website. Compresita shrinks down your data usage by compressing Internet traffic up to 80% depending on the content completely transparently. You can save up to 4 times of the data you use, and in effect stretching your budget much further.

Compresita comes with optional additional features available for purchase when you subscribe:
  • Traffic Saving ? by compressing the traffic exchanged between your device and the Internet to save up to 80% of your plan. This means your data plan will be increased up to 4 times for the same amount you pay for your provider. VPN Connection ? to make sure that the users have a complete security and privacy. Our VPN is based on licensed hardware tools connected to various sub-networks with many international gateways. This ensures connection to almost 100%.
  • WebPurifier a strong filtering system. It cleans your traffic from unwanted content such as advertising, banners. WebPurifier is blocking bad websites basing on analyzing their content and their DNS settings in addition to checking them in our huge categorized database with over 550 million records.
  • Antivirus all your data goes through a virus scanner to protect user from any spyware and malware or threats that can come from some specious websites. The database is hourly updated. Technical details: Compresita system fully integrated with OS. It supports all the modern desktops and mobile platforms. The VPN it uses is supported by a large variety of devices and platforms. We currently support PPTP, and in the future, we plan to support the more secure OpenVPN, and L2TP/IPSec. With the help of GRE tunnel a PPTP-connection is established by the server and the end-user device.

What’s new in version 1.0.1

Version 1.0.1:
  • Initial release

Compresita for Mac

In English
Version 1.0.1
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