Education Templates iBooks Author Edition for Mac
Educationally focused templates for iBooks Author.
Educationally focused templates for iBooks Author.
Education Templates iBooks Author Edition is a collection of educationally focused templates for iBooks Author. Create immersive, interactive, and engaging textbooks, workbooks, tutorial guides, newsletters, class presentations, and more that will capture students' - or any audiences' - imagination and take learning to a whole new level. Choose from eye-catching designs with hundreds of unique layouts like the Tutorial Pro template, a brightly colored grid-based instruction template; or World Traveler, a vintage-style template with large photo spreads and interactive galleries. Adding your content is drag-and-drop easy, and all templates are 100% customizable - change as much or as little as you want - with just a few clicks. Mix-and-match layouts from different templates, providing endless options for creating professional and engaging content in portrait or landscape orientation.
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