This developer has around 28 scripts that are "1 trick ponies". He is charging $2-$4 for each one of them on the App Store. Given an average price of $3 for each of them, That turns out to be $84 for the listed set. Do to of some of the specialized nature of some of the Scripts, I would not be surprised if they were initially developed to automate some of the things that the developer (or his friends or clients) routinely does and this is an attempt to turn it into a profitable business. The developers website is also requesting for donations over and above the purchase price of the scripts. I have nothing against capitalism but to be this seems to be overdoing it. While my knowledge of scripting is limited, I suspect that each of the scripts (developers classification, not mine) is not terribly difficult to develop if a user has mid-level AppleScript knowledge. I also suspect that some of the scripts might easily be done with Automator and a bit of time. So if a couple of the single function scripts proves to be useful to you it might be reasonable to purchase them but ~$84 for the whole lot of them and no trial or demo version seems to me to be a bit greedy and opportunistic. Given the obvious spelling error on his "donate" page, I also hope it does not reflect the level of QA that these scripts have experienced before release. I would be much more supportive of this business attempt if all the scripts were released together for a reasonable price and a few of the simple ones could be downloaded for free. That way the user could get a feel for how they operate and stability before plunking down a sum of money for them.