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Frame.io for Mac

Cloud collaboration and review for Final Cut Pro X.

In English
Version 2.5.13

Frame.io overview

Frame.io lets you upload your Final Cut Pro X media to its cloud-based collaboration platform to share projects or clips with your team, anywhere in the world. Just use the Frame.io share destination from the Share menu directly within Final Cut Pro X.

Use cases:
  • Quick and easy publishing of an FCPX timeline for work-in-progress review
  • Upload digital dailies with synced sound
  • Share a full timeline or selected clips with your team for VFX or color grading
  • Use markers to upload only selected clips
  • Exclude clips that are disabled in the timeline
  • No need to wait for a whole timeline to render when you only need a portion. You can also range-select clips to only upload a portion to Frame.io.
  • The Frame.io app embeds your FCPX notes and keywords into every clip which are spotlight searchable.

Note: Though the app is free to download, its use requires the purchase of a plan if using more than one project and 2 GB of storage. Pricing information can be found here.

What’s new in version 2.5.13

  • Minor security improvements.

Frame.io for Mac

In English
Version 2.5.13
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