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RuneSigner for Mac

Quickly fill and sign any PDF form or agreement.

In English
Version 3.9

RuneSigner overview

RuneSigner lets you quickly fill and sign any PDF form or agreement--no need to print and scan to fill out PDF forms! RuneSigner is great for:

  • Filling out and saving any PDF form
  • Signing and counter-signing agreements and contracts over email

If you run a business, you will find that signing agreements over email becomes the norm. This can take up a lot of time and is a bother! It normally requires printing, then filling out manually, and then scanning again, which is a waste of both paper and time! RuneSigner solves this problem with easy-to-use tools, such as the text tool, freehand tool, image tool, checkmark tool, and move tool.

  • Add your scanned signature, or any other image, with full control of size and position
  • No annotations or other objects that stick out in PDF Readers
  • Add text anywhere in any font and size--the text is added as native PDF text
  • Draw your signature with the mouse or trackpad with the freehand tool
  • File sizes remain small, to avoid hassles send over email
  • Save as a new PDF, a RuneSigner document to edit the objects later, or print--it's up to you

What’s new in version 3.9

Version 3.9:
  • Bug fixes
  • Support for Apple Silicon Macs!
  • UI Fixes

RuneSigner for Mac

In English
Version 3.9
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