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StatCalc for Mac

Inexpensive and easy-to-use statistical tool.

In English
Version 1500.1.13

StatCalc overview

StatCalc is a user-friendly analytical tool which simplifies common statistical calculations with 21 procedures. Use it to easily create summary statistics, develop confidence intervals, and verify hand calculations. Enter data to create descriptive, correlation, and regression statistics. A Decision Tools module is included to explore price elasticity of demand, queuing theory, constant dollars, and decision tables. StatCalc includes example data for each module to help you quickly learn the procedures. A statistics glossary is included. Output is stored in an output log to view and print results. The demo version limits full use to the Descriptives procedure. The other 20 procedures can be explored using the example data.

What’s new in version 1500.1.13

Version 1500.1.13:
  • Changed default text font to Consolas to improve clarity.
  • Added options to the Font Settings module that allows font adjustments for each tab.
  • Corrected tab panel misalignment on startup.

StatCalc for Mac

In English
Version 1500.1.13
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