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Image Tinter for Mac

Apply a tint color to your images.

In English
Version 1.2

Image Tinter overview

Image Tinter allows you to easily apply a tint color to your images. All you have to do is drag-and-drop an image onto the window, select the color you wish to tint your image, and adjust the opacity level of the tint color. Image Tinter will apply the tint color over the opaque regions of your image. Image Tinter allows you to completely change the color of fully opaque icons and/or apply an awesome semi-transparent tint to your images! Tinting images has never been easier!

What’s new in version 1.2

Version 1.2:
  • Fixed issue that could cause a tinted image to be exported at the wrong pixel size if the source image has DPI metadata

Image Tinter for Mac

In English
Version 1.2
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