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HomeSystem UtilitiesBig Day Countdown

Big Day Countdown for Mac

Menubar App that helps you count down to the special day.

In English
Version 1.0.6

Big Day Countdown overview

Big Day Countdown is a Menubar App that helps you count down to the special day of your life!

After launching Big Day Countdown, a small circular icon will appear on your menubar. Click on the icon and select Preferences to configure your countdown.

Big Day Countdown is Yosemite ready!

Features include:

  • Counting down to a specific time of the day
  • Detailed countdown - shows you the exact time passed/left till your event, down to the minutes
  • Customizable background color and text color
  • Floating window - enable this feature and your event countdown will be on top of other windows
  • Notification
  • Launch at login

What’s new in version 1.0.6

Version 1.0.6:
  • Updated day calculation - if the event is tomorrow, the day counter will show 1 (day left)
  • Fixed a rare bug that might cause crashes

Big Day Countdown for Mac

In English
Version 1.0.6
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