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Plumb-Bob for Mac

Perspective rectifier for digital photos.

In English
Version 4.0

Plumb-Bob overview

Plumb-Bob is a perspective rectifier for pictures. It's a great addition to your metric surveying toolkit for a variety of fields, including architectural survey, building renovation, furnishing design, and estate agents.

What's needed:
  • A sufficiently large picture (2 megapixels is enough) where 4 known key points are clearly visible.
  • The real coordinates of the 4 key points. These points have to lay on the same plane to be surveyed and must not to be on the same line (collinear). The more distant the points, the lower the margin of error.
  • Magnifier for precise key point placing
  • Lens distortion correction
  • Real distances measurable on the original photo
  • Reverse the process to obtain eye-catching grass signs advertising

What’s new in version 4.0

  • Pin points numbered
  • Undo move (pin points)
  • Magnifying lens light (with Caps lock On / Off)
  • Magnifying lens hairline view options (alt, cmd, ctrl keys)
  • Scroll view and hand move updated
  • Bug fixing and interface improvements

Plumb-Bob for Mac

In English
Version 4.0
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