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Install4j for Mac

Generate native installers and application launchers for Java applications.

In English
Version 10.0.2

Install4j overview

Install4j is a powerful multi-platform Java installer builder that generates native installers and application launchers for Java applications.

What’s new in version 10.0.2

Bugs fixed:
  • Regression in 10.0: New projects could have inconsistent styles that lead to an NPE in the installer, preventing the installer window from being shown. For projects with this symptom that were created with 10.0 or 10.0.1, using the "Reset styles to the default" button on the Installer->Screens & Actions->Styles view will fix the project.
  • Regression in 10.0: If only class path or module path were changed in the launcher wizard, the changes were not saved
  • Regression in 9.0.3: PDF extensions did not work with a Java version lower than 11
  • Running installers in unattended mode on Amazon EC2 Mac Instances via SSH did not work
  • If a script property was modified and reset to an empty string, it was still shown as modified in the install4j IDE

Install4j for Mac

In English
Version 10.0.2
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