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HomeVideoVideo Summary 2

Video Summary 2 for Mac

Extract frame images from a movie to create an image grid.

In English
Version 1.4.0

Video Summary 2 overview

Video Summary 2 makes a summary image of video data in a movie file by extracting a number of frame images. The images are arranged in a grid in one image. You can save, print, copy, and drag it. You can also attach the image to the movie file as Finder's icon. This is useful to navigate you to watch the interesting scenes in the movie, to analyze the motion captured by your camera, to make a picture of motion sequence for a printed document, and so on.

The source movie must be playable by the AVKit framework of OS X, such as QuickTime, AVI, MPEG-1, MPEG-4, and 3GPP formats. Windows Media and Flash Video are not supported. QuickTime movies are not always loadable, depending on what type of CODEC was used for compression. MPEG-2 format is also playable, but this software does not work well with it.

This is a successor of VideoSummary for older OS X. It was based on QuickTime APIs but the new one is based on the modern APIs called AVFoundation and AVKit. Unfortunately, because those new APIs have supported neither copy-and-paste of a video data segment, nor the third-party CODEC plug-ins yet, this version lacks some useful functionalities, such as editing a movie, importing a movie segment from the clipboard, loading a movie of Windows Media, and so on. It is not scriptable yet, but will support it in a future version.

What’s new in version 1.4.0

Version 1.4.0:
  • Bug fixes for the drawer of setting panel, error handling in saving images, and enabling cancel button for building a summary image.
  • A new functionality was added to export the selected part of the movie into a new file.
  • New operations on the summary image are introduced to add and remove one line.
  • The position of the caption in each frame image got selectable from seven alternatives.
  • Copy and paste on frame time from a frame image on the summary image to the time of start or end.
  • The default window size became slightly larger.
  • The arrangement of controls in the setting panel was changed a little.

Video Summary 2 for Mac

In English
Version 1.4.0
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