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Workspace for Mac

Create powerful text documents.

In English
Version 2.1

Workspace overview

With the help of Workspace, anyone can create his own presentations, flyers, and text documents. We have added a built-in application called Saver that can save your documents and can be downloaded here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/bve6nqw7tbirn09/saver.zip?dl=1. Workspace is similar to Microsoft Office for Mac: it can create presentations and text documents in a matter of seconds, as simply as typing something on the keyboard. In this new update we have added new write templates and we have completely redesigned presentator. Now you can pick from 4+ different templates so it will match with what document you are trying to create.

  • Create and share presentations
  • Create and share text documents
  • create and share your own flyers
  • Save your documents to the cloud almost instantly
  • Choose from 4+ diffrent Write templates
  • Built-in saver app<>
  • Help center is available
  • Create and share notes
  • Create and then print out your documents
  • Save your documents with saver
  • Wonderful invisible presentation display
  • And much much more...
  • Browse with the fastest web browser, Fexplorer

What’s new in version 2.1

Version 2.1:
  • Improved browser performance, browse up to 3x faster.
  • Less battery usage.
  • More realistic animations and actions.

Workspace for Mac

In English
Version 2.1
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