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Minion for Mac

Monitor long running tasks.

In English
Version 1.0.7
Based on 1 user rate

Minion overview

Minion is the easiest way to monitor long running tasks on your Mac. Just tell it what to look for and we'll notify your phone or email when the job is done. It's great for watching long video exports, animation renders, or anything that takes a long time to complete.

Minion Notifies You when:
  • File appears, disappears, or changes.
  • Folder's contents change.
  • Pixel on screen changes color.
  • The text on a web pages changes.
  • Window on your Mac changes.
  • And lots, lots more!

What’s new in version 1.0.7

Version 1.0.7:
  • Save a selected trigger for later use, preventing the requirement to set up a new trigger each time.
  • Repeat a trigger with one click
  • Duplicate triggers
  • Pause / Resume selected triggers
  • Notifications now include the name of the device that completed the task
  • Resolved bug which resulted in intermittent registration failure

Minion for Mac

In English
Version 1.0.7
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(1 Reviews of Minion)

  • Comments

  • User Ratings

Nov 6 2016
Nov 6 2016
Version: 1.0.7
Great idea, but ridiculous pricing. Single commercial seat is $45. You could easily enough set these notifications up in something like Keyboard Maestro as well or with Automator. Tyler's utility is a $5 to $15 convenience not a junior version of Photoshop or Final Cut Pro. Sad to see a good idea die a pricing death.
Nov 6 2016
Nov 6 2016
Version: null