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WeClean for Mac

System optimizing utility.

In English
Version 3.3.0

WeClean overview

WeClean is an all-in-one package that includes a variety of system tools to help you clean and protect your Mac. For slow Macs, SimBooster can release RAM to increase the processing speed. It can also help users protect their personal data from malicious cookies. Users who suffer from small hard drive space, SimBooster can clean trash, logs, and cache files to free up hard drive space. Its Duplicates and Old Files finder can further clean up more space for users. Additionally, SimBooster can clean temporary files of web browser and get rid of unwanted apps or files.

What’s new in version 3.3.0

Version 3.3.0:

Note: While the software is classified as free, it offers in-App Purchases.

  • Add Eraser module

WeClean for Mac

In English
Version 3.3.0
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(4 Reviews of WeClean)

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Jan 20 2020
Jan 20 2020
Version: 3.2.0
OMG, another Mac "cleaner/speeder-upper" application. There must be a hundred out there. People who use these things must think that somehow their Macs will "run faster." NEWSFLASH: They won't. FREE ADVICE: Before you go HACKING AROUND macOS with some sketchy, copycat "cleaner" app, download Onyx, read the help screens before you make any adjustments, and then make a generous donation to the developer. Download and buy TinkerTool System, READ THE MANUAL carefully, then, knowing the advantages and risks of what you want to do, use it. Get to know the free macOS application "Activity Monitor," if you want to evaluate your RAM situation. ***WeClean WEIRDNESS RATING*** Time for my patented application WEIRDNESS RATING. "We Clean" is even weirder than most of the other "cleaner/speeder-upper" applications, which are themselves quite weird to begin with. Click on "Developer Website" above, and there's nothing about "WeClean" -- whatever they're selling is called "iBooster." Click "Download," and the Mac App Store opens with "WeClean" (doh?) with this message: "This app is currently not available in your country or region." (I'm in the USA.) The application icon (not the same as the one above) in the App Store is a direct ripoff of CCleaner, and is the same (in the App Store) as "WeClean Pro." The Overview above contains the usual nonsensical "translated by Google" verbiage, e.g., "For slow Macs, SimBooster can release RAM to increase the processing speed." From the website (and this is an exact quote, which makes little sense semantically or technically): "iBooster helps you findand delete thoseuseless memory taking associated files." (Yeah, right.) Then, of course, there are all the "in app purchases," which you only find out about when you actually download and run the software. WeClean WEIRDNESS RATING: 10/10 On the other hand, there are some very nice pictures of seagulls in flight on the website. -SB
Jan 4 2020
Jan 4 2020
Version: 3.1.0
it seems the website is offline? Registration Expiration Date: 2019-12-26T10:13:07.0Z
Jul 20 2017
Jul 20 2017
Version: 2.9.9
Is this a virus? - https://www.macupdate.com/app/mac/51652/simbooster - https://www.macupdate.com/app/mac/59761/maccare - https://www.macupdate.com/app/mac/50282/caremymac – …
May 29 2016
May 29 2016
Version: 2.1.0
Whats the difference with Onyx?
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