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HomeLifestyle & HobbyGarden Tracker

Garden Tracker for Mac

Plan and track your garden.

In English
Version 4.1

Garden Tracker overview

Garden Tracker lets you size and plan your garden plots, plant your vegetables, and then track your garden’s progress, including days to harvest, days since watered, and days since last fertilized. All this info is conveniently referenced in a grid you design.

What’s new in version 4.1

Version 4.1:

Important note: : If you have critical gardens, you must back them up before updating this app
To back them up, use Time Machine to back up your Mac, or upload your gardens to your Dropbox account

  • Support for dark mode
  • Change labels of user fields by clicking the settings (gear) button at the bottom left of the Plants window
  • Fix for pests not showing in Pests window
  • Fix for not being able to change the Germination when adding or editing a plant

Garden Tracker for Mac

In English
Version 4.1
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