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GardenCal for Mac

Keep track of what you do in your garden.

In English
Version 2.6

GardenCal overview

GardenCal helps you keep track of when you do things, or when things happen in your garden. Keep track of:

  • Last frost date
  • When you plant seeds
  • When you transplant
  • When plants bloom
  • When you harvest fruits and vegetables
  • When you prune trees
  • When you first work the ground in spring

Events that occur on a calendar day for any year are displayed in the table below the calendar. Clicking on a calendar day brings up all events for that day. Using the Query function you can query when a given event happens. For example, you could select the event as "Blooming", the variety as "Apple", if you have many years of data you can see on which days you recorded "Apple Blooming".

What’s new in version 2.6

Version 2.6:
  • Added the creation of an XML file of the database when the App exits. The XML file contains all the Events, Providers, and Calendar events in the database. This file is saved next to the existing CoreData SQL file. This file can be used to export the data into another program, it will also be used in a future version of GardenCal.
  • Updated the German language file to better describe some items.

GardenCal for Mac

In English
Version 2.6
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(1 Reviews of GardenCal)

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May 16 2014
May 16 2014
Version: 2.5
Please consider adding a location field, whether it be as simple as an alphanumeric this-row-this-slot kind of thing or complicated as a grid or map with the location colored in.
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