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iPhi for Mac

Powerful calculator and universal answering machine.

In English
Version 1.4

iPhi overview

iPhi is a lightweight interface to the incredibly powerful Wolfram|Alpha™ Computational Knowledge Engine™, which is unbeaten in solving problems in the fields of Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, Biology, Computer Science and many more...

iPhi through Wolfram|Alpha™ is able to:
  • find solutions for mathematic problems like Integrals or Linear Algebra.
  • answer concrete scientific questions like „What is the distance from Earth to Mars".
  • provide general info about a sheer unlimited number of things. From „Oxygen" to „United States".
  • use realtime data for questions like „what is the weather for tomorrow?" or „20 Dollars in Euro".
  • even answer trivia questions like „Movies with Leonardo DiCaprio".

For all these different purposes iPhi is a clean, disturbance free Interface that puts the information you requested into focus.

iPhi’s unique features are:
  • Provides a search history that is document based. So you can store and later load the way you found the solution to your complex problem.
  • Special simplified Input methods for often used search queries like Differentiate, Integrate, Linear Algebra operations and 2D/3D Plotting.
  • These Moduls generate Mathematica™ compatible search queries that can be copied to clipboard.
  • Compatible with desktop and mobile versions of Wolfram|Alpha™.
  • When using the desktop version, iPhi automatically scales the view to the information you requested.
  • Download capability for graphics and data.
  • Printing and export to PDF support for your results.
  • Compatible with Wolfram|Alpha™ Pro that provides even more detailed info.
  • "I’m feeling lucky" Button that gives you a random question and the answer to show what Wolfram|Alpha™ is able to do or to just have some fun learning.

Disclaimer: The developer of iPhi is not affiliated with Wolfram Research, Inc. The Wolfram|Alpha™ Computational Knowledge Engine™ can be accessed using a web browser via http://www.wolframalpha.com

What’s new in version 1.4

Version 1.4:
  • Small bugfixes

iPhi for Mac

In English
Version 1.4
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