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PropertyMaintenanceTracker for Mac

Collect, track, report, and forecast property maintenance.

In English
Version 1.16
Based on 1 user rate

PropertyMaintenanceTracker overview

PropertyMaintenanceTracker lets you collect and track maintenance data for single-family homes and other property and calculates when subsequent maintenance is due. It stores properties, providers, and task information, displays overdue maintenance, and provides both reminders and reports. A default task database provides professional descriptions to guide the user with some common maintenance tasks.

What’s new in version 1.16

Version 1.16:
  • Universal app compatible with macOS 11 ( Big Sur ) and Apple Silicon/Intel Macs.

PropertyMaintenanceTracker for Mac

In English
Version 1.16
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(1 Reviews of PropertyMaintenanceTracker)

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  • User Ratings

Oct 27 2013
Oct 27 2013
Version: 1.02
Developer very responsive to bug reports and suggestions for improvements (via email). Thank you, this is refreshing! About the program... This is a good home owners property maintenance application (The only one I have found while searching) that allows you to create and maintain repetitive maintenance tasks for your home(s). There are additions/improvements in development and I look forward to those. Everything in the current app works as advertised. This is NOT meant for commercial use by say an apartment building maintenance team, but could be used fairly easily by someone who owns and rents various properties from a maintenance standpoint only not rent collection of tenant management.
Oct 27 2013
Oct 27 2013
Version: null