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Chimpanzee for Mac

Film production project manager.

In English
Version 16.0.2

Chimpanzee overview

Chimpanzee is a film production project manager. Designed for low budget projects, web content providers and student or beginner filmmakers, Chimpanzee offers traditional film scheduling and budgeting features at an affordable price.

Made by the people who brought you Gorilla, Chimpanzee allows you to create breakdown sheets, characters, budgets, manage cast and crew, generate call sheets, prop lists, shot lists, storyboards and more. Easily import a screenplay and immediately get started attaching scenes to shoot days and scheduling cast and crew. Choose from a variety of budget templates or create your own, and easily link your budget to schedule elements such as cast, crew and props.

Note: The version number reported in Finder is the current version of the FileMaker that powers the application.

What’s new in version 16.0.2

Version 16.0.2 (2.0.1):

Note: Now requires OS X 10.11 or later running on a 64-bit Intel processor
Note: 16.0.2 is the version number reported in Finder; it is a reflection of the app's FileMaker runtime version. The developer refers to this version of the app as 2.0.1

  • Release notes were unavailable when this listing was updated.

Chimpanzee for Mac

In English
Version 16.0.2
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