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Simply HDR for Mac

Extend the range of dynamic light and detail in your photos.

In English
Version 3.2.12

Simply HDR overview

Simply HDR is a powerful HDR tool that instantly creates stunning and mesmerizing imagery from otherwise bland subjects and compositions.

Have you ever looked at a well-executed HDR photo with a dramatic sky and wish you could take a shot like that? Now you can! With Simply HDR you can produce an outstanding picture with an extended range of dynamic light and detail. Gone are the days of combining multiple images, we do it for you! With Simply HDR you can create your own stunning imagery using our advanced built-in True HDR camera or choose a single picture from your photo library, the end result will be an outstanding picture that's captivating, mesmerizing, revealing and beautifully detailed. It is also user-friendly for both professional and amateur photographers.

Simply HDR also provides a built-in "brush", for times when your subjects are people or pets, that will gently smooth areas with too much detail; or corrects a halo where the sky meets the trees.

What’s new in version 3.2.12

Version 3.2.12:
  • Optimization, bug fixes and performance improvements

Simply HDR for Mac

In English
Version 3.2.12
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