I loved YouSendit and subscribed for a few years. Hightail is awful. 1. The recipient can't just download a link that has been emailed to them. When they click on the emailed link a browser window of some sort opens, dedicated to hightail. This window is filled with promotional text which will confuse many people. And, it uses up time and window space. So already they have added an additional step for someone to receive the file you want to send.
2. Half the links to files I sent did not work. I sent them to myself and could not download about half of them. So in this special window, you are faced with some links working and some not.
3. This is the horror of programming and promotion. I am starting my search for a new way to send large files. I am happy to pay for it as I have been to pay for YouSendit. How could they have done this—taken away the simplicity and functionality of a great app.
4. My half star rating for "Stability" below is only there because MacUpdate will not let me change it once i clicked on it. The app is, I guess, stable, but maybe not, since half the links did not work. I never had a problem with yousendit.