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Head for Gmail for Mac

Quick, out-of-the-way access to your Gmail accounts.

In English
Version 1.1

Head for Gmail overview

Head for Gmail is a new way to access your Gmail accounts. Don't have enough space for a menu-bar app? Not a problem. We introduce Head, which will stick to edges of your screen. The Head icon will always float on top of other applications, so you can always click on it, no matter what you are doing. Imitating physical principles, you can drag Head to anywhere and it will be pulled to the edges of screen naturally and smoothly.


  • Switch between Mobile and Desktop mode
  • Auto hide Head when inactive, e.g., to watch a movie
  • Blur or darken the background when you activate Head
  • Head can be dragged and pulled using physical principles
  • Stealth mode : set transparency of Head window

What’s new in version 1.1

Version 1.1:
  • Multiple login
  • Remove Dock icon

Head for Gmail for Mac

In English
Version 1.1
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