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iPleco for Mac

Application uninstaller which can monitor file use.

In English
Version 1.0.1

iPleco overview

iPleco is a professional and user-friendly app uninstaller which helps you remove any app along with its related components and files just with a few clicks, leaving you with a clean and healthy computer.

What’s new in version 1.0.1

Version 1.0.1:
  • Monitor app file access activities, launch and hijack app.
  • Completely remove any app and its related components and files like preferences, cache files and log files.
  • User-friendly feature allows users to remove any app safely just with a few clicks.
  • Reclaim valuable disk space and keep your Mac clean and healthy.

iPleco for Mac

In English
Version 1.0.1
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(1 Reviews of iPleco)

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Jul 13 2013
Jul 13 2013
Version: 1.0.1
Question - we have a family computer, say my wife used an application and the trial period expired. Not realizing she had done this, I opened a new trial version, but the app said it was already loaded on the computer, even though she'd deleted it. Will this SW completely wipe all traces of the old installation?
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