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AutoKrypt for Mac

Run scheduled data encryption.

In English

AutoKrypt overview

AutoKrypt is data-encryption software designed for automation. Automatically encrypt or decrypt files and folders on a schedule. Encryption methods include password-based, secret key, public key, and private key, OpenPGP password, and Open PGP public and private key.

  • Encryption profiles allow you to quickly add encryption and decryption profiles. These files can be used in encryption or decryption tasks.
  • Encryption task allows you to encrypt files or an entire folder and its subfolders.
  • Decryption task allows you to decrypt files or an entire folder and its subfolders.
  • Key generator can generate secret, public, private, OpenPGP public keys, and OpenPGP private keys.
  • Key Store manager allows you to import or export keys for external use.
  • Email notification for all tasks based on task exit code.
  • Dynamic variables are supported for most tasks. Most tasks also generate variables which can be used in other tasks. Create advanced automation solutions using our Automize tasks in conjunction with variables, directory/file monitors and our task chains.
  • Zip files and directories using wildcards on a schedule. Can append date/time to filename for archive purposes.
  • Copy files and directories using wildcards on a schedule. Can append date/time to filename for archive purposes.
  • Chain Task Integrator runs all supported AutoKrypt tasks in sequence, (with options depending on Exit codes).

What’s new in version 11.09

Version 11.09:
  • Cleaned up various errors and extra logging based on users support.zip
  • FTP commons browser bugfix introduced in 11.08. In some situations, output was only sent to output log. No output was seen in FTP commons browser when connection error occurs.
  • Bug fix: SFTPMonitor and SFTPMonitor-j 'Task to Run' field did not support and or | options to run multiple tasks simultaneously or in sequence.
  • Copy task - Atomic move option added to Copy Files task. Move is done Atomically, so any process working on the folder will only see the full file, i.e. no partial file available if processed during Move.
  • FtpCommand-j: functions MNDGET (Get multiple directories based on names only listing) and MNFGET (Get multiple Files based on names only listing) added.
  • FtpCommand task: now supports Ftp profiles. Previously only supported host/port/user/password..
  • FtpCommand task: added ReplyCode variable for RFC 959 command responses.
  • FTP (commons and jscape) libraries now support sending a Startup FTP command.
  • FTP commons now supports client certificates in keystore, and server certificates in truststore
  • FTP JScape now supports server certificates in truststore (previously client and server certificates used same keystore)
  • Cleaned up various extra unnecessary debugging information into debug log.
  • Default Engine port changed to prevent conflicts with Version 10 Engine ports. Automize 2002, AbleFtp 2003, JaSFtp 2004, AutoKrypt 2005, ZipKrypt 2009.
  • Filenames100 variable added to FTP, FTP-J, SFTP, SFTP-J tasks. These are the first 100 Files transferred.
  • Task Table sorting by date field caused fictitious error to be logged into debug log.
  • SFTP and SFtp-j tasks - Option added to append date/time only to Main, Backup, or Both Main and Backup
  • Logging change. Task related logging for FTP/SFTP tasks is not duplicated into the output log. This improves performance and avoids redundant data.
  • Shutdown Hook and memory log added when engine is exiting. This logs information when engine is requested to shutdown.
  • SFTP-J profile - Added options for SendBufferSize and ReceiveBufferSize
  • Email Server Profiles bugix: Setting a non default port value resulted in incorrect port value shown when profile is reloaded. However, port value was correctly saved and used during connection.
  • New Search Button added on Tasks list window. Allows users to search tasks and quickly launch task or schedule editors or view logs and variables. Useful for users with 100s of tasks.
  • FTP commons - EPSV support added.
  • FTP-J Jscape - EPSV and EPRT support added.
View older AutoKrypt versions

AutoKrypt for Mac

In English
Version 11.09
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