Valentina Studio for Mac
Free database manager for many databases.
Free database manager for many databases.
Valentina Studio is a cross-tool for database architects, [web]-developers, DBAs, teachers, students, and even No-SQL end users to work with the most popular RDBMS such as ValentinaDB, DuckDB, MariaDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, SQL Server, and non-relational MongoDB. You can do data modeling using different diagrams, work with database schema and records, do SQL development, do server administration, etc.
In PRO Edition ($199) you can develop a Valentina Project where design Reports and Forms automating them using JavaScript. This project can be used in a multi-user way if you put it under Valentina Server.
Single Edition ($79) opens all PRO features except Valentina Project for one DB on your choice.
FREE Edition brings you powerful, visual editors including:
PRO Edition adds more tools:
Open as many editors as you need for different databases/servers opened in tab panels. You also get different DB-related utilities, including Import/Export, Dumps, Diagnose, Clone, Reindex, ...
DuckDB support is implemented in the following Tools:
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