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CineScope for Mac

Measure and analyze video being captured by your Mac.

In English
Version 1.0.1

CineScope overview

CineScope is a collection of video tools for measuring and analyzing video being captured by your Mac. The tools, which include charts for waveforms, vectorscopes and histograms can be displayed in several different ways, along with a preview of your video source. Or you may choose to display the charts in fullscreen mode for easy reading. CineScope also lets you take quick snapshots of any tool display and save that snapshot to your Pictures folder.


  • Configurable Charts - Each video tool can be configured to display data in multiple ways letting you see RGB data or a single component of that data, as you like it.
  • FullScreen Display - For easy reading, charts for each video tool may be displayed in fullscreen mode without the video preview taking up space.
  • Snapshot Capture - CineScope lets you quickly and easily capture a PDF version of the chart you are currently viewing, even when you are in fullscreen mode. Click the Snapshot button on the toolbar or press Command-S to create a new, time-stamped, image in your Pictures folder.

What’s new in version 1.0.1

Version 1.0.1: Release notes were unavailable when this listing was updated.

CineScope for Mac

In English
Version 1.0.1
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