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HomeTravelYour ETA

Your ETA for Mac

Calculate your estimated time of arrival.

In English
Version 1.0.0

Your ETA overview

Your ETA ... If you have ever found yourself wondering while on the road how long or how much time will it take you to arrive at your destination, you no longer need to do that pesky mental math.

Your ETA tracks your current speed and distance to your destination, then calculates and displays the live time remaining along with the Estimated Time of Arrival to the destination as you drive.

You can save locations by adding them as favorites making it easy to begin tracking your ETA without the need to retype an address. A history of all your tracked ETAs is kept so you can easily go back and start with a previous address.

Your ETA relies on a good GPS signal to acquire your current speed and distance to the destination. For best results, avoid using in locations where there are potential obstructions to the GPS signal.

Note: Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life.

Your ETA for Mac

In English
Version 1.0.0
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