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vMEye+ for Mac

Video surveillance tool.

In English
Version 2.0.1

vMEye+ overview

vMEye+ is an application in video surveillance area for imac. It supports products of many manufacturers by embracing following features.
  • device management, you can add, edit and delete any video device as you want;
  • video preview, you can monitor multiple channels and devices at the same time;
  • local recording, you can record the video locally and replay it later on;
  • photo capture, you can capture an photo of the video at any time;
  • file searching, you can search the local files by time and type;
  • more features are coming soon!

What’s new in version 2.0.1

Version 2.0.1:
  • Fixed some bugs.
  • enhanced the main functions.

vMEye+ for Mac

In English
Version 2.0.1
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